Sandy Springs Garage Door, LLC

Mobile Garage Door Repair Service

Mobile Garage Door Repair Service

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Sandy Springs Garage Door, LLC – Garage Door Maintenance, Spores

Your garage door can be described an asset to your property, and this is true whether you primarily chose your garage door because of how it looks, or if your focus was more on its functionality. Because of their significance, garage doors have to be kept in good condition. If something goes wrong or breaks, it can be an eye sore. If a problem comes up that impacts its functionality, obviously this is something you will want to resolve fast. Sandy Springs Garage Door, LLC knows that your garage door needs to stay in good shape, and that’s why we offer services to those in and around Sandy Springs, Georgia. Whether you are interested in garage door maintenance or have noticed a problem with mold spores or something else, you can call us if you are in our service area. 

GA Garages and Mold – It Happens!

Understandably, if you are in this part of the state, you know that we get hot temperatures. Hot temperatures coupled with humidity can be a breeding ground for – you guessed it – mold growth. No one wants to have to deal with mold. Think about where you might commonly see it. You might get it in your shower or bathroom quite often. That’s because the room gets very humid at times, especially if you take hot showers. It is important to keep in mind that there is another place you might see mold growth or spores – your garage door. Your garage can get quite hot and the temperatures and moisture can lead to mold. You want to try to prevent any issue from worsening. One way to do this is through garage door maintenance. Frequently checking this part of your property is important. Not only do you want to look for issues such as an off track or out of balance garage door, but you should also be looking for problems like mold spores. Let’s assume there is minimal ventilation if any in your garage. This can lead to mold! Since it is overall likely a dark environment, this is another potential concern in terms of mold spores. 

So, you realize that your garage and garage door can be breeding grounds for mold growth. Now the question is – what can you do to prevent this from becoming a problem? Do you just spray bleach at the first sign of mold, or will this damage your garage door? Will it even be effective? Bleach tends to be a very temporary solution. Have you tried it in your shower? If so, you realize the mold tends to come back. It is not necessarily enough, nor is it exactly safe for you to breathe in. 

Use the Right Materials

So, what do you do? You pay attention to maintenance and attempt to mold-proof your garage door! It is actually not all that difficult to do. Let’s assume that your garage is relatively new or you are trying to prevent mold from developing before it becomes an issue. We would suggest avoiding wood materials. Instead, opt for metal studs because mold has a much harder time growing here. Aluminum and vinyl are other solid options. 

Air Out the Garage

Additionally, you can make efforts to air out the garage when possible. If the temperatures are cooler outside, it might be a wise idea to air out the garage and get some fresh air. You can even air out your home. It’s always a nice feeling when you have a fresh, cool breeze coming in. It can help make things smell fresher and just feel cleaner overall. Not to mention, fresh air is good for everyone! Airing out your garage will help with moisture, too. This can help to prevent mold spores from developing in the first place. It’s easy to do, and certainly worth trying. 

Use Dehumidifiers

Getting the moisture out of the air can help with mold growth. Having a dehumidifier is just one way to do this. 

Try Natural Solutions Such as Vinegar

Maybe you use vinegar to clean around your house or to remove odors. You likely have heard of using baking soda to absorb odors, but have you ever tried just placing a cup of white vinegar in one spot? This can help. Vinegar is a good solution, and it’s worth trying this rather than bleach, which can be very toxic, especially if you have kids or dogs who run around in your garage. You don’t want them inhaling the fumes. And if you happen to be pregnant – forget it – you are supposed to stay away from harsh chemicals. Vinegar is just one cleaning solution you can try if you notice mold spores. Dishwashing detergent can be another way to clean up mold spores. 

Your garage can end up really attracting a lot of moisture, especially if you live in a relatively warm environment. Your garage door is constantly exposed to the elements, like rain, heat and so on. Making sure that your garage door is sealed the best you can, and making sure any spills or flooding is cleaned up fast is important. If you use your garage for storage, perhaps try to avoid cardboard boxes when you can instead use bins made of a different material such as plastic. Cardboard can draw in mold, and you don’t want mold spores! 

These are just some simple steps you can take to try to prevent or get rid of mold spores. Maintenance for your garage door is very important, and having a repair professional in mind is a wise idea if you are looking to extend the life of your garage door. We are a business that takes care of locals, so if you notice mold spores, give us a call. Or, if you are looking for maintenance solutions in general, reach out to us. These are just some of the things that we can help you out with. No matter where you are, we hope you do the best you can to keep your property maintained and don’t forget about your garage door!

Call us now : (678) 367-2393

Our services are expertly done, affordable and available to you 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.
